OwnerLetter Terms and Conditions of Use


This page and related pages tells you the “Terms of Use” under which you, “the Client”, may use the “Services” offered by this website (www.ownerletter.com). The Services are operated by Ownerletter whose registered office is located at:

United States Office

Suite 2704, 102 Central Avenue

Sweet Grass



P: 319.409.1645

Please read these Terms of Use carefully before you use the Services. You may only use the Services if you agree to these Terms.

If you have any comments, problems or questions regarding the Services, please feel free to email us at Info@ownerletter.com.

  • 1 The Services that we provide may only be used in accordance with these Terms. The services include, but are not necessarily limited to sending letters on behalf of the Client (you) to postal addresses you specify.
  • 2 Only persons aged 18 years or over may access the Website and use the services offered by us.
  • 3 We may modify these Terms of Use at any time by amending this Terms of Use page. Any changes made to the Terms of Use will come into effect as soon as they are posted. By continuing to use the Services you will be deemed to have accepted any new Terms of Use.

Licence to use Services

  • 4 Subject to your compliance with the Terms of Use and condition of this Agreement, Ownerletter hereby grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-assignable, revocable licence to use the Services on this website.
  • 5 You agree not to copy, sell, loan or otherwise redistribute, license, sublicense or otherwise transfer the Services. You also agree, except only to the extent permitted by law, not to cause, permit or authorize the modification, creation of derivative works, translation, reverse-engineering, reverse-compiling, decompiling or disassembling of the Services or make any attempt to access the source code of the Services or any part of the software.
  • 6 When you place an order with us you agree to provide your name and email accurately, so that homeowners can contact you if they are interested in connecting with you.
  • 7 When you place an Order, you will receive a confirmation email us and we may contact you from time to time for request feedback on your success at reaching potential homeowners.
  • 8 You will be notified of any charge at the time you place an Order for Services. When you place an order for Services, you will need to supply your credit card and other personal details to a secure Paypal payment portal. We do not receive or store your personal Credit Card number other private payment information.
  • 9 We may, at our discretion, contact law enforcement authorities if we become aware that anything unlawful is occurring or has occurred in relation to the use of the Services.\
  • 10 You agree to indemnify Ownerletter and its officers and employees against any action, claim, damages, liability, costs and expenses arising out of your using the Services not in accord with the Terms of Use.
  • 11 You are not allowed to create a database (electronic or otherwise) that includes any information or address data you have obtained from the Services on this website and are expressly prohibited from:
  • a Disseminating any unsolicited advertisements, junk mail, spam, chain letters or any other commercial purposes.
  • b transmitting or re-circulate any material obtained from the Services to any third party except where expressly permitted; or
  • c Using the Services in any way that might infringe third party privacy or other rights, is unlawful or that might bring Ownerletter into disrepute.
  • 12 Ownerletter reserves the right to assign or transfer any of our rights or to sub contract any of our obligations to any third party.

Operation of the Services

  • 13 We may change the format and content of the Services at any time.
  • 14 We may record details of your website for the purposes of improving the service.
  • 15 We may terminate or suspend the operation of the Services for support or maintenance work, in order to update the content or for any other reason. We may do this at any time and without notice.
  • 16 Because public networks, such as the internet and mobile phone networks, occasionally experience disruptions, we cannot guarantee that Services will be error free or available at all times. Ownerletter strives to provide the most reliable Services possible, interruptions and delays in the Services are unavoidable and we disclaim any liability for damages resulting from such.
  • 17 The Services may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. We obtain certain address and image data from third party providers and we do not warrant that content is accurate, complete, reliable, current, or error-free. All mailings printed and delivered on your behalf will be directed to the exact address submitted with your order and all liability for incorrect address data or mail disruption is beyond our control and is therefore expresses denied.

Privacy and Data Protection

  • 18 Personal data provided to us through the Services or as part of any Equivalent Service which uses credits purchased by the Customer will only be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Please read through this carefully before proceeding. By providing your personal data to us you are consenting to its use in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Services Offered

  • 19 Ownerletter retains the right to accept or reject any order from a Client (you).
  • 20 Ownerletter is continuously enhancing its product and reserves the right to amend the specifications of the Services without prior notice.

Price, Payment and Currencies

  • 21 When you pay for Services, the price stated will include Sales Tax/VAT at 20% if applicable. Any other tax applicable in your territory, country or location will be your responsibility to pay.
  • 22 Payment in full must be made by credit card or your PayPal account at the time the order is accepted by Ownerletter.


  • 23 Once an order for Services has been placed by you, you have confirmed the order and the order has been accepted by Ownerletter, you may not subsequently cancel the order.

Limitation of liability

  • 25 Ownerletter is not responsible for the content of any external website link within the Services, nor are we responsible for the content of any advertiser’s website or the conduct of any business or individual advertising in the Services. Such links are provided as a service to users of the Services and their inclusion does not constitute an endorsement by or affiliation with Ownerletter.
  • 26 We will not be liable for faulty goods unless we are notified in writing within 28 days of Order delivery, or in the case of non-delivery, within a reasonable time after the letters ordered, were expected to arrive at their destination. The notification must include the order confirmation number and details of the claim. In the case of a valid claim, we may, at our sole discretion, reproduce the order and re-deliver, or refund to you the proportionate price paid for the order. Beyond this Ownerletter will have no further liability to you in respect of the order.
  • 27 Ownerletter will not be liable in any way for loss, damage, costs or expenses (including loss of profit) arising directly or indirectly from any failure or delay in performing any obligation under these Terms of Use by reason of any event or circumstance outside its reasonable control, including but not limited to, any strikes, industrial action, failure of power suppliers or equipment, government actions or Acts of God.
  • 28 Where sensitive financial or personal information is provided through the Services or otherwise you accept that these methods of communication cannot be 100% secure. Where sensitive financial information is provided to Paypal we cannot accept any responsibility or liability for any damages arising from the misuse or loss of data or information submitted to them.
  • 29 The liability of Ownerletter, its agents, employees, subcontractors and suppliers with respect to any and all claims arising out of the performance or non-performance of its obligations in connection with the use of the information provided under these Terms of Use, whether based on contract, negligence, strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed, in the aggregate, the net purchase price (excluding taxes and freight) for the order. In no event shall the liability include damages for loss of profits or revenue; increased cost of purchasing or providing materials, supplies or services; cost of replacement capital; claims of Client's customers; inventory or use charges; or incidental or consequential damages of any nature.
  • 30 This limitation of liability section shall prevail over any conflicting or inconsistent provision contained in any other part of the Terms of Service. In no event will we be liable to you or any other any party associated with you for any direct, indirect, special or other consequential damages for any use of the Services or any other linked Website, including without limitation, any lost profits, business interruption, loss of programs or other data on your information handling system or otherwise, even if we have been expressly advised of the possibility of such damages.
  • 31 Nothing in these Terms of Use shall restrict or exclude any liability that we have to any party which cannot be excluded by law.

Computer viruses

  • 32 Ownerletter will use reasonable efforts to ensure that its Services do not contain or promulgate any viruses or other malicious code. However, it is recommended that you should virus check all materials used in connection with the Services regularly and check for the presence of viruses and other malicious code. We exclude to the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws all liability in connection with any damage or loss caused by computer viruses or other malicious code originating or contracted from the Services or our website.


  • 33 In the event that any term of these Terms is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of these Terms shall remain valid and enforceable.

Law and Jurisdiction

  • 34 These Terms and the provision of Services by us are governed by and are to be interpreted in accordance with the laws of Alberta Canada. In the event of any dispute arising in relation of these Terms of Use or in relation to the provision of any products and services by us the Alberta courts will have non-exclusive jurisdiction over such dispute.