
Home Buyers & Sellers

Buying & Selling Reimagined

  • buyers pick any homes they like from the Buyer's Map and are no longer restricted to just homes listed for sale
  • based on a buyer's home picks real estate agents ask the homeowner if they would consider selling
  • free to use, no obligation or signup
  • no buyer or seller information is exchanged, until both parties mutually agree
Buyer's Introduction  
Buyer's Map 

Benefits for the Buyer

Will The Home Owner Consider Selling?

Click ANY rooftop on the Buyer's Map to have a local agent ask the owner about selling. In that area, you may also be presented with agents that offer this “off-market” approach. Contact the agent directly, if you wish.
Agents use a conventional letter to open a dialog with the homeowner on your behalf. Conventional letters easily surpass electronic email in response rates.

Buy The Perfect Location

You can live within easy walking distance to your favorite school, park, or friends, even if there is nothing listed for sale there now.

Buy The Ideal House

You can own the ideal house, or yard even when it’s not for sale. What if the perfect home gets listed right after you close on another? You’ll wish your agent had at least asked the owner.

Looking for Reno-Flips?

You’ll want houses in rough condition with perfect locations. They’re all over the place! Scout them out on our map, and a professional agent will reach out to them confidentially… at no cost to you.

Benefits for the Seller

An Easy Sale

If you receive an OwnerLetter you can avoid the time and expense of staging your house, and you won’t have to leave the house perfect every time someone books a showing.

Fast and Convenient

If you receive an OwnerLetter there’s a good chance your home could be sold quickly and moving can be on your schedule.