We Proudly Provide Services To These Clients

Real Estate Agents & Brokers

  • click rooftops to send a physical letter
  • potential home buyers automatically referred to you from our Buyer's Map
  • custom QR codes direct your clients to your own personalized Buyer's Map

Home Buyers

  • free to use
  • map-based; find the homes you like not just homes that are listed
  • find Real Estate Professionals, willing to ask homeowners about selling
  • no membership required

Trades & Organizations

  • click rooftops to send a physical letter
  • expand your client list one mailing at a time

Conventional mailings have a 4.4% response rate vs email at 0.12%

"Despite the perception in the marketing industry that direct mail and telemarketing are less effective than digital channels, the Direct Marketing Association (DMA) has found that direct mail boasts a 4.4% rate, compared to email’s average response rate of 0.12%, says Yory Wurmser, director of marketing and media insights at the DMA."

  • no more visits to the post office
  • promote your business
  • Stripe payment security, no credit card information retained by OwnerLetter
  • letter generation based on your own templates
  • small to large business friendly

Choose the Right Platform for Your Needs

  • Portability :
    Access the OwnerLetter app anywhere, anytime, providing on-the-go convenience. Ideal for users who need information or services while on the move.
  • Touch Interface :
    Intuitive touch controls enhance user experience. Tailored for smartphones and tablets, leveraging gestures for seamless navigation.
  • Location-Based Services :
    Utilize GPS capabilities for location-specific features or personalized content. Enhances user experience by delivering contextually relevant information.
Apple Stire Mobile App. Google Play Mobile App.

See What Our Clients Have To Say

One day I got 3 great leads doing this. It's amazing! ”

Pete de Jong (Realtor in Calgary)

About Us

OwnerLetter is a professional way to connect with any homeowner. Reach homeowners by clicking rooftops on an aerial map. Click the home you want to reach, select the letter you want to send and submit. OwnerLetter does the rest. Your address list is merged with your letter, printed to paper, stamped, and delivered by the postal service.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.



 Mailing Address
United States Office
Suite 2704, 102 Central Avenue
Sweet Grass, Montana

Canada Office
Suite 117
132-250 Shawville Blvd. SE
Calgary, AB
T2Y 2Z7